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- 软件类别:教育学习
- 更新时间:2016-12-19
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- 标签:英语四级真题答案
驾考一次过(2016年题库全国通用版) 2016.8 官方安装版
Section A
1.[A] It was dangerous to live in.
2.[B] A storm.
3.[B] They were trapped in an underground elevator.
4.[C] They sent supplies to keep the miners warm.
5.[D] Close some of its post office.
6.[C] Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays.
7.[A] Many post office staff will lose their jobs.
Section B
8.[D] He will lose part of his pay.
9.[B] He is a trustworthy guy.
10.[D] She is better at handling such matters.
11.[C] He is always trying to stir up trouble.
12.[D] Reserved.
13.[A] They stay quiet.
14.[C] She was never invited to a colleague’s home.
15.[B] Houses provide more privacy.
Section C
16.[D] They will automatically be given hiring priority.
17.[C] Visit the school careers service.
18.[B] Supervising study spaces to ensure a quiet atmosphere.
19.[C] It may be sold at a higher price.
听力作为一种考试题型,目的在于考查应试者对英语语言的把握,自从英语四级题型改革后,所选题材侧重新闻稿和演讲稿,比如这次英语四级考试的Section A 部分,主要是关于采盐工人的相关新闻报导,文章稍难,我们在作答之前,一定要快速浏览各题目的选项,先把核心关键词划出来,比如重要的名词,名词性短语等,这样可以帮助我们预知要听的重点,提高捕捉信息的准确度,降低听力材料的难度。在听录音的过程中,快速作标记,锁定正确答案。
The color of red in Chinese culture usually means good luck, longevity and happiness。 Red can be found everywhere during Chinese Spring Festival and other joyous occasions。 Cashes often in red envelopes are sent to family members or close friends as gifts。 Its popularity can also be attributed the fact that people accociate it with Chinese revolution and Communist Party。 However, it does not always equal to good luck and joy in that the name of the dead used to be written in red。 Using red ink to write names of Chinese people were seen as an offense。
With China’s reform and opening up, many young people tend to hold Western-style weddings these days。 The bride wears a white wedding dress at the wedding, because white is considered as a symbol of purity。 However, in traditional Chinese culture, white is often used in funerals, so be sure to remember that white flowers must not be used as a gift to the patient, especially not to the seniors or patients in critical conditions。 Similarly, the cash gift cannot be packed in a white envelope, but in a red envelope。