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Svgsus Mac版(svg代码生成器)

  • 软件介绍

Svgsus Mac版是一款Mac平台上的软件开发工具,软件功能强大,操作简单。Svgsus是一个清洁和变换SVG代码的工具。真的很强大,可以用于设计和开发。它是一款很不错的svg代码生成器,让你的设计变得更容易,因为它可以帮助你组织、发现在您的设计工具使用的图标。编码变得容易因为它转换成SVG代码。Svgsus目前支持Swift, Pug (jade)和Android的矢量格式。对于程序员的工作非常有帮助。有需要的朋友,欢迎到苹果商店下载体验。

Svgsus Mac版(svg代码生成器)

导入你自己的图标拖动到Svgsus 文件夹。与你的团队通过使用同步的文件夹(如Dropbox和谷歌驱动器)与svgsus。

Svgsus Mac版(svg代码生成器)






Svgsus 清洁SVG和你写的代码。拖,粘贴或导入整个设置为一个快速的工作流程。


Svgsus is the perfect tool to organize, clean and transform svgs into code. It's really powerful when both designing and developing. Designing gets easier because it helps you organize, find and use icons in your preferred design tool. Coding gets easier because it transforms svgs into code. Currently supporting Swift, Pug (jade) and Android vector format.

Import your own icon sets by dragging folders into svgsus. Collaborate with your team by using synced folders (ex Dropbox / Google Drive) with svgsus.

We will soon start charging a small amount for the app to make sure we'll be able to put in the extra hours needed to continuously improve the app. So make sure to grab it now!


版本 0.13.1 中的新功能

Keeping the updates coming, this time it's mostly performance improvements and bug fixes:

- Adjusted the window draggable area, which should make it more consistent.

- Now you can click anywhere to close the edit view.

- Updated Electron to 1.3.3 which brings updated versions of Chrome and Node.

- Reduced CPU usage when Idle.

- Fixed issues that was caused by pressing enter during search.

- Fixed so an Icon set can't be renamed to an empty string.

