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坦克大战1945 Mac版

  • 软件介绍

坦克大战1945 Mac版是Mac平台上的一款策略游戏,这是一款军事题材的非常经典的游戏。在坦克大战1945 Mac版游戏中玩家将完成苏联和德国在这场战役中的所有任务。游戏画风非常简洁,但是玩法却一点也不单调,还有剧情可以体验。欢迎到苹果商店下载体验。

坦克大战1945 Mac版


在坦克大战1945 Mac版游戏中你将同时扮演苏联和德国,在德国入侵苏联的相关战役上展开不同坦克间的策略比拼。像往常一样,玩家将完成苏联和德国在这场战役中的所有任务。

在坦克大战1945 Mac版游戏中的战争的最后,德国方将突然在他们的八号鼠式坦克中装备超级武器,但是这当然都是徒劳的,正如我们所知道的历史一样,最后还是德国战败。

坦克大战1945 Mac版


The end is near for the Third Reich, masters of Europe for too long! In Tank Battle: 1945 you will fight some missions as the German Army, in its last efforts to prevent the Allied advance. In later campaigns you will be the British, American and Soviet Allies as they crush the Axis opposition. The 'Bonus' campaign and upcoming in-app purchases will include 'what-if' campaigns as the U.S.A. and U.K. where the Russian armed forces decide not to stop at Berlin and press on to conquer Europe.

Key Game Features:

• 7 mission tutorial campaign playing as the British, including full scale mission.

• 4 mission "Counter-Attack" campaign, playing as the Germans.

• 6 mission "America Triumphs" campaign, playing as the US.

• 6 mission "Albion's Revenge" campaign, playing as the British.

• 6 Mission "Red Storm" campaign, playing as the Russians.


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