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航空大亨2 Mac版

  • 软件介绍

航空大亨2 Mac版是Mac平台上的一款模拟经营游戏,这是一款移植到Mac平台上额游戏。在航空大亨2 Mac版游戏中玩家要经营一个航空公司,取得经济上的成功。在进行行政管理的同时,还要购买新的飞机、开辟新的航线、应付挑剔的乘客、与对手展开竞争。感兴趣的朋友,欢迎来苹果商店下载体验。

航空大亨2 Mac版


航空大亨2 Mac版游戏是一款以飞机做构造的模拟经营类游戏。在游戏里玩家可以制作和驾驶各种各样/奇形怪状的飞机。在现实中我们根本都补可能接触到这些飞机,更别说驾驶和制作了。

在航空大亨2 Mac版游戏中玩家要经营一个航空公司,取得经济上的成功。在进行行政管理的同时,还要购买新的飞机、开辟新的航线、应付挑剔的乘客、与对手展开竞争。


Airline Tycoon Deluxe is a funny economy simulation proceeding in realtime and assigning you the complete responsibility for an airline. However, don’t be fooled by the funny comic style or the included jokes: A variety of tasks are requested and your competitors never miss a chance to set a trap for you in order to put a spoke in your wheel.

Your abilities are put to the test continuously playing Airline Tycoon Deluxe: Will you be able to use your aeroplanes to capacity and land some profitable charter flights? Can you establish routes for lucrative scheduled flights? Aeroplanes cost millions; will you be capable of increasing the share price and obtaining enough funds by the issuing of securities?

Can you stand up for the construction of new aeroplanes in your role as an engineer? Are you able to avoid your competitors’ deceitful attacks? Accept this unusual challenge and win virtual laurels with Airline Tycoon. The deluxe version contains 20 new airports as well as new opportunities. It is as interesting for professional tycoons as for beginners.


版本 1.25 中的新功能

- fixed touchpad input

- some bug fixes


  • PC版
  • 安卓版

