- 软件介绍
Zend Technologies Zend Studio for Mac是一款非常优秀的PHP开发工具。软件功能强大,操作简单,具有专业的编码功能和调试功能,Zend Studio设计时考虑了商务应用开发的需要,是开发者利用PHP创造强有力数据库应用软件的完美开发环境。欢迎来9553免费的下载体验。
Zend Studio是一个屡获大奖的专业PHP集成开发环境,具备功能强大的专业编辑工具和调试工具,支持PHP语法加亮显示,支持语法自动填充功能,支持书签功能,支持语法自动缩排和代码复制功能,内置一个强大的PHP代码调试工具,支持本地和远程两种调试模式,支持多种高级调试功能。
With 3X faster performance, Zend Studio allows you to code faster, debug more easily, and take advantage of the massive performance gains in PHP 7. This is the next-generation PHP IDE designed to create high-quality PHP apps while boosting developers’ productivity. It’s the only PHP IDE that combines mobile development with PHP and includes a sample mobile application with source code.
Why Zend Studio?
- Code faster with up to 3X performance improvements in indexing, validation, searching of PHP code
- Superior PHP 7 support, PHP 7 express migration assistant, and seamless integration with Zend Server 9
- Robust debugging capabilities with Xdebug, Zend Debugger, and Z-Ray integration
- Extensive plugin capabilities provided by the large Eclipse eco-system
- Support for best-in-class dev tools including Docker and Git Flow
- Intelligent code editor
- Deploy PHP applications on any server including cloud support for Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure
- PC版
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