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  • 软件介绍

欧陆风云2 Mac版是Mac平台上的一款策略游戏。这是一个非常经典的策略游戏系列之一。欧陆风云2 Mac版游戏的上一集让大家在欧洲当上三个世纪的霸主,新一集则把时间延长到四个世纪,你的影响力更可以伸展到远东!军事迷们值得一玩的游戏。欢迎到苹果商店下载体验。



单从外观看来,游戏似乎和上集无太大分别,事实上以不足一年的时间,若要在外观上来个翻天覆地的改变似乎是无甚可能,而Paradox亦聪明地集中精神在游戏里的种种设计上,带来更多新元素在新一集。先看看背景吧,上一集的时代是由1492至1792,今集则由1419英法百年战争结束时开始,到1820拿破仑时期为止,加长了足足一个世纪。而所能控制的国家更是大幅上升,除了传统大国外,玩家在今集更可以控制其它140多个国家,中国、日本和一些亚洲国家亦在此列!事实上,由于是在1419年开 始,当时的欧洲地图颇不同,例如法国还是分散成一个个小郡,西班牙尚未出现,卡斯提尔和阿拉贡等小国仍然存在,情况看来比上集更混乱但也更精彩。

在上集里虽然你是一国之君,但内政上的限制颇大,这是由于国家们都被定形了(好象西班牙编向往外寻求殖民地)。在今集里,游戏提供了八种不同的内政 「性格」,让你可以逐步脱去既定的框框,这些性格甚至会影响到军事和外交方面。你更可以选择在国内提倡那种意识形态、宗教等,总而言之,你的影响力大大增加,更像一位君主。


The first expansion to Victoria 2 focuses on American Civil War era and enhances the political and economical aspects of the game.

Carefully guide your nation from the era of absolute monarchies in the early 19th century, through expansion and colonization, to finally become a truly great power by the dawn of the 20th century.


New starting point in 1861, allowing players to experience the US Civil War from the start

Manufacture reasons to go to war with other countries, all in the name of the great game of power

Civilize your country with various new reform paths to ultimately become equal with the western nations

Invest in building infrastructure and factories in other countries to strengthen their ties to you

Deeper political system with new national focus options and new types of reforms

A new system of popular movements that can be appeased or suppressed, but if ignored, will become the revolutionaries of tomorrow

Improved interface, with more information easily available and improving gameplay


版本 1.1.1 中的新功能

Stability fixes

