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Freewriter for mac(文本编辑器)

  • 软件介绍

Freewriter for mac版是mac上一款简单的文本编辑器软件,软件功能强大,操作简单。Freewriter for mac的简单的功能和简单的界面只为让你专注文字编辑。Freewriter完全和mac系统融合,整体界面和10.10的系统一样采用半透明效果,让我们的编辑更加舒服。提高你的写作效率。这是一款很不错的写作软件,有需要的朋友,可以到苹果商店免费的下载。

Freewriter for mac(文本编辑器)


当你思维冻结,或者灵感卡主的时候,你写下的第一句话是什么。Freewriter for mac帮助你找到写作和编辑的灵感。

Freewriter for mac被许多作家评价,舒服的写作体验,无时无刻都在给予他们灵感。


A text editor that hacks your attention by turning writing into a game.

Freewriter combines writing a classic exercise and gaming. Free-writing is a method originating from Jack Kerouac, designed to suspend anxiety from deadlines and self-criticism. The game aspect provides immediate feedback while you're writing and a focus score after each session.

When you get stuck, write that. Or write the first sentence again and see what comes out.

“Be submissive to everything. Open. Listening. No time for poetry, but exactly what is.”

- Jack Kerouac

"Don’t try to control it. Stay present with whatever comes up, and keep your hand moving. First thoughts, the way we see the world when we are free from prejudice and can see the underlying principles."

- Natalie Goldberg

"My friend who was beginning her first novel said that she would sit at the typewriter for the first ten minutes and just write about what a terrible writer she was, what a jerk she was to even attempt a novel. Then she pulled out that sheet of paper, tore it up, and began on the task at hand—the next chapter of her novel."

- Natalie Goldberg


  • PC版

