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大海战2 for mac

  • 软件介绍

大海战2Mac版是Mac os平台上的一款收费的Mac策略游戏,这是该游戏的第二部,秉承了传统海战游戏的风格,让玩家在操作上更有真实感。大海战2Mac版是一款真实还原二战期间太平洋战场美日对决的回合制战争策略游戏,着重于海战。从军舰模型、战斗系统、战区争夺等均基本忠实于现实。有需要的朋友,可以到苹果商店下载体验。

大海战2 for mac


本作采用 3D 建模,军舰的模型比较逼真,水面效果做得不错,但爆炸效果一般,地面与陆上建筑物贴图比较粗糙。比较赞的一点是,军舰被击中的部位不同会产生不同的效果,只有被击中的部位才会有击中的效果,如军舰的中部被击中,就会冒烟。而拟真的舰炮瞄准系统更是让玩家有真实操作的感觉。


本作的一大特色是比较真实的方向舵系统了,无论是战斗、移动均通过方向舵系统来实现,除了快速拖动外,还贴心的提供了微调功能,既简化了操作,又给玩家一种真实感。方向舵系统基本分为战斗和移动。移动只需要选择好距离和角度便可以了,需注意的是,在二战时期,军舰对敌舰的角度关系着火力的大小,因为火炮体型大,且舰上建筑物遮挡的问题,并非 360° 均可旋转。

在战斗中,不同的舰种根据搭载的火炮数量会有相应的开火机会。首先确定开火方向,注意微调;然后需目测本舰与敌舰的距离,然后再调整开火距离,在军舰周围会有 2000 m 的光圈。根据相应距离,确定好,因为每个回合只能操控一个单位,所以每次的开火机会额外重要。


Welcome Admiral! Your mission is to select a fleet of warships, arm them by selecting their weapons, assign captains and destroy the enemy fleet. You'll have complete control of this mission, all the way down to what angle and how much power should be put into each shot. Battle Fleet 2 is at your command, Admiral!

Battle Fleet 2 is the radically improved sequel to the original and has kept the “Worms” / “Scorched Earth” style angle+power mechanic, but now features full 3D modeling of terrain, ships, and ship hit locations. Hit the the engines and cripple the enemy's maneuverability, or aim for the command center and disable the ship for an entire turn. Ships are more realistic in which weapon compliments they can carry, and ship control is more intuitive. Battle Fleet 2 also now features Fog of War, allowing for stealth tactics and surprise attacks to be a viable strategy as well as adding the importance of using ships and aircraft for recon as well as attacks. With a full featured campaign and a variety of single play scenarios, Battle Fleet 2 will keep even the saltiest of sea-dogs satisfied.


版本 1.23 中的新功能

- In-Battle Saves for single player battles and campaigns

- Faction selection in online multiplayer and single battles

- Multiplayer chat

- Enemies are now always red

- Submarines now start at periscope depth

- Transport ships have reduced health

- No more regions in multiplayer so more players will be on the same server

- Bug fixes

