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掠食Prey Mac版

  • 软件介绍

掠食Prey Mac版是Mac平台上的一款动作射击游戏。这是一款以宇宙、外星生物等科幻题材为主的游戏,在掠食Prey Mac版游戏中在一次由异世界所引发的危机中,主角偶然间唤醒了沉睡在身体中多年神秘力量和尘封已久的记忆。这是一款根据神话故事改编的FPS游戏,还融合了很多冒险解谜游戏的元素。有需要的朋友,请到苹果商店下载体验。

掠食Prey Mac版


在掠食Prey Mac版游戏中在一次由异世界所引发的危机中,主角偶然间唤醒了沉睡在身体中多年神秘力量和尘封已久的记忆。为了从邪恶手中拯救自己和女友以及自己所热爱的行星,汤米毅然踏上了冒险之旅。在宇宙船中,处处都潜伏着危机,玩家在探索的过程中除了要对付各种各样的敌人外,还有大量的解谜装置。


掠食Prey Mac版


Tommy is a Cherokee garage mechanic, refuting his heritage and undecided about his next step in life. His world comes to a halt when an extraterrestrial crisis forces him to awaken spiritual powers from his long-forgotten birthright. Abducted with his people to a menacing mothership orbiting Earth, he sets out to save himself, his girlfriend, and eventually, the entire planet.


Gravity Flipping – Manipulate gravity by shooting special targets located throughout the sphere. There are also zones in the world where gravity is automatically flipped in various directions.

Wall Walking – Wall walk surfaces allow Tommy to traverse the sphere’s walls and explore otherwise unreachable areas.

Death Walking – Death isn’t the end. After losing all of his health, Tommy enters the Death Realm. He must battle the wraiths of fallen spirits to regain both health and spirit energy before returning to his living body.

Spirit Mode – Tommy can use the power of his ancient ancestors to leave his body and enter a spirit form. Spirit mode allows Tommy to sneak up on enemies, as well as overcome the sphere’s many obstacles.


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