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The Escapers Flux for Mac(网页设计工具)

  • 软件介绍

The Escapers Flux是Mac平台上的一款非常不错的网页设计工具,它是一款较简单的网页策划工具,能帮助你非常轻松就编辑出一个美丽的WEB出来,省时省力的好工具。对于设计师和网站开发人员来说都非常的好用。欢迎来9553免费的下载体验。

The Escapers Flux for Mac(网页设计工具)




The Escapers Flux for Mac(网页设计工具)


Flux 6 is the latest release of the killer Web Design App for the Mac. Flux 6 introduces support for Responsive design using Skeleton or Bootstrap, a totally revamped UI, and 100s of bug fixes and usability improvements.

Flux 6 is the latest release of the killer Web Design App for the Mac. Flux 6 introduces support for Responsive design using Skeleton or Bootstrap, a totally revamped UI, and 100s of bug fixes and usability improvements.

A totally re-written Code Editor makes manual code adjustments easier than ever, and WYSIWYG changes to your pages are simpler too, with a clearer workflow.



Flux has an amazing WYSIWYG engine (What You See Is What You Get). In Flux, you don't need to code everything, or even anything, you can drag images onto your page, adjust sizes with the drag handles, even adjust CSS properties such as margins and padding. You can even adjust external CSS properties this way.


Of course, you want to code too, Flux has a rebuilt Code Editor that's better than ever before. Importantly, Flux has no distinction between generated and hand-crafted code, so you can still use the WYSIWYG stuff, even on code you've typed yourself.


Flux supports FTP and SFTP, which means you can work directly on the server copy of your site. Remember to keep a backup!


新功能和数百个 bug 修复。现在所有新的站点管理器集成了 FTP 支持。有媒体弹出窗口寻找正确的图像,上下文工具栏使改变它的性质比以往,我们可以继续下去,但它会更容易,如果你下载了它,为你自己看到的更容易。


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