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ZoneBreaker Mac版(工作提醒软件)

  • 软件介绍

ZoneBreaker Mac版是款在工作中经常用到的工作提醒软件,让你不会漏掉任何重要的安排。软件功能强大,操作简单。支持任务管理、会议提醒等,将根据日历自动创建即将发生的事情的提醒,本版适合mac用户使用,欢迎大家到苹果商店下载体验。当前售价6元。

ZoneBreaker Mac版(工作提醒软件)




ZoneBreaker makes sure you know when a meeting is coming up regardless of how focused you are on other tasks. All without being obtrusive.

It’s easy to miss your meetings and other important events while absorbed by other tasks. People often refer to this as being in the zone or singularly focused. Notifications and other reminders fades away as you are immersed with the task at hand. ZoneBreaker helps you realize when important meetings and other events are coming up by smoothly flashing your screen at a set interval before the event starts, giving you time to grab your headset or walk to the meeting room.

ZoneBreaker will read your system Calendar and based on a set of rules you create it will automatically create reminders for your upcoming events so that you don’t miss them.


  • PC版
  • 安卓版

