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生化奇兵3-无限Mac版(bioshock infinite mac)是生化奇兵系列第三款作品,游戏制作精美,情节丰富曲折,这是一款非常经典的第一人称射击类游戏,官方名称为bioshock infinite,生化奇兵3将玩家带往1912年,那是巨型飞艇和浮空飞行器的全盛时期。有需要的朋友可以到苹果商店下载体验,当前售价68元。
玩家将扮演名为Booker DeWitt的私家侦探,受雇搜寻这座城市并解救自小就被掳掠并禁闭其中的伊丽莎白。伊丽莎白并非寻常女子,她因具备某些超能力而遭此厄运。DeWitt在某酒吧楼上一间小办公室中获知这座城市的方位,于是动身前去搭救伊丽莎白并设法与她携手逃出生天。
由于玩家在天空之城哥伦比亚的地面是时刻在移动当中的,这给游戏带来了全新的玩法,但也给游戏引擎制作带来了难度。Irrational Games为此创造了一项名为浮动世界的新技术。
此 DLC 最初推出时包括了优质版和终极版,其中增加了500只银鹰和5把密钥和6项专用的装备物品。你将能够获得两项武器升级;Comstock的中国轰猎枪和Comstock的鹰眼狙击步枪。
BioShock Infinite puts players in the shoes of U.S. Cavalry veteran turned hired gun Booker DeWitt. Indebted to the wrong people and with his life on the line, DeWitt has only one opportunity to wipe his slate clean. He must rescue Elizabeth, a mysterious girl imprisoned since childhood and locked up in the flying city of Columbia. Forced to trust one another, Booker and Elizabeth form a powerful bond during their daring escape. Together, they learn to harness an expanding arsenal of weapons and abilities as they fight on zeppelins in the clouds, along high-speed Sky-Lines, and down in the streets of Columbia, all while surviving the threats of the air-city and uncovering its dark secret.
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