- 软件介绍
Markdance for mac是一款新颖的markdown编辑器,软件功能强大,操作简单。这是一款非常强大的Markdown编辑器,让你敲起代码就感觉像是书写一样,对于程序员的工作非常的有帮助。这款软件在电脑桌面纵向空间上让编辑与预览合二为一,这样就不用担心哪里有编辑错误的情况啦。修改和编辑都特别的方便,让你像聊天一样使用markdown。有需要的朋友,可以到苹果商店下载该软件。
Markdance 摒弃了传统的左右分栏设计,采用纵向布局。编辑器内的文本将被实时渲染到红色的矩形框中,我们称他为预览区。使用组合键 Commond+S 追加修改,将会生成一个新的预览区,编辑器内的文本也将被清空。重复这一过程直到编辑整个文档完毕。
Markdance is a markdown editor and we have designed a new editing mode, it is like in use of chat apps.
The text in the text editor is rendered in a red box, we call it the `preview box`, you can press `Command + S` to submit, and then it will create a new preview box and clear the text editor, so the cycle.
When you want to modify a sentence, please hover on it and click the left mouse button, the markdown text will appear in the text editor. When your mouse hover on a sentence, it will be surrounded by a green box, we call it the `select box`.
You can drag-and-drop markdown text to reorder your document,The select box will turn orange.
This feature is very useful!
The benefit of this editing mode is to improve editing efficiency and the editor without taking up a lot of screen area. It will bring you a new editing experience, you will fall in love with it.
Zero Configuration, clean UI and toolbar, out of box.
- PC版
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版本:v0.2.0 最新版
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