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All My Patients Vet Edition for mac(宠物健康软件)

  • 软件介绍

现如今养宠物的家庭不在少数,对于宠物生病了该如何处理,是很多用户关心的问题。All My Patients Vet Edition for Mac是由 Aidaluu 推出的一款针对宠物健康的医疗诊断软件。软件功能强大,操作简单。家里养着小动物的朋友,这款软件将会对你们有很大的帮助。可以到苹果商店下载,以备不时之需。该软件支持多国语言,包括中文版,使用起来更加的方便。

All My Patients Vet Edition for mac(宠物健康软件)


该作的诊断资料完全来源于兽医和宠物医院的技术人员。软件能够捕捉病人输入的文本、表格和图像所描述的情况,为你提供一个快速和直观的方式记下病人的症状、诊断、处方以及附加扫描 x 射线和实验室结果。

All My Patients Vet Edition for mac(宠物健康软件)


Introducing All My Patients for Vet, a new and easier way for Veterinary physicians to manage patients on your Mac, iPhone and iPad.

Designed based on inputs from Vets and pet clinic technicians, this App provides the ability to capture patient visits in text, tables and image notes, providing you with a quick and intuitive way to note down the patient's symptoms, diagnosis, prescriptions as well as attach scans of x-rays and lab results.

Examples of information that can be noted with this App include:

- patient health profile

- symptoms

- visit information

- prescriptions

- existing medication profile

- treatment options

- exam results

- scans of previous diagnostic imaging results

- picture of patient


  • PC版
  • 安卓版

