- 软件介绍
Calculate Pi Mac版是一款Mac平台上的计算器软件,软件功能强大,操作简单。Calculate Pi 是一款 Mac OS X 系统上的 Pi计算器,其实就是跑 Pi 工具,这是一款非常好用的计算圆周率的工具,支持自定义计算位数。圆周率的数值无限不循环,计算它是一种古怪的乐趣。感兴趣的朋友,可以到苹果商店下载体验这一款计算器软件。当前售价6元。
■ Now uses a monospaced font! Monospace fonts being the same size and spacing are easier to read since everything is uniformly spaced.
■ Fixes a nasty bug where a full stop/period or a comma was confusing the app. Everything is now properly interpreted an integer value... ;-)
Many thanks to Tobias Vock for making me aware! (As well as many other useful ideas.)
If you also have any suggestions, feel free to mail them to: pi@getyouracttogether.eu
The advent of digital computers in the 20th century led to an increased rate of new π calculation records. John von Neumann et al. used ENIAC to compute 2037 digits of π in 1949, a calculation that took 70 hours. Additional thousands of decimal places were obtained in the following deCADes
Now YOU can calculate MILLIONS of decimal places of Pi on your own Mac! Calculate Pi is faster than any other commercial Pi calculation program on the planet. What an extremely geeky pleasure!
- PC版
溶液配制计算助手 v1.1 绿色版
版本:v1.1 绿色版