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TypeIt4Me for mac(快捷输入文本工具)

  • 软件介绍

TypeIt4Me for mac是Mac os平台上的一款帮助用户提高输入效率的mac软件,它是一款非常实用的快捷输入文本工具,软件功能强大,操作简单,TypeIt4Me for mac是一款快捷输入工具,它会在您输入文字单词的时候自动为你快速扩展词语,而且它可以在所有的应用程序上工作,它也可让您自己定义有意义的缩写。对于提高用户的输入效率很有帮助。欢迎来9553免费的下载体验。

TypeIt4Me for mac(快捷输入文本工具)


无论什么时候,在您的Mac上输入文字, TypeIt4Me可以帮您把这个过程变得更快,更准确。首先,您确定若干缩写和其相应代表的全写形式,之后你就会看到Mac机在飞快的扩展这些缩写词, 哪怕你当时还在继续输入其他文字!

TypeIt4Me for mac(快捷输入文本工具)


由于苹果的开发者的限制,有两个版本TypeIt4Me的。只有通过Mac App Store中提供的版本可以提供的iCloud同步。阅读这些在这里不同的版本。


TypeIt4Me is the original text expander for Mac. It can help you type more quickly and accurately, with fewer keystrokes. Create a library of custom shorthand abbreviations that when typed anywhere on your Mac will instantly expand to become longer ‘snippets’ of text or even pictures. Type frequently used words, names, addresses, phrases and boilerplate paragraphs with just a few taps.

Save time, effort and keystrokes. You need never type the same thing over and over again. Just let TypeIt4Me do the heavy lifting for you. It runs unobtrusively in the background and works systemwide, anywhere you can type on your Mac.

