- 软件介绍
Atsumeru Mac版一款Mac平台上能实现桌面与手机端同步管理 GIF 动图的工具,软件功能强大,操作简单。这是一款非常好用的图片浏览软件,Atsumeru 可以实现对动图(包括静态图片)的集中存储管理、播放、导入/导出、收藏,打标签、内部搜索等多种操作,可谓是帮 Photos.app 的大忙了。可以到苹果商店下载该软件。
Atsumeru Mac版在 Mac 版上使用起来非常容易入门,你可以将动图批量添加到库中,并设立不同主题的标签管理他们,但缺点也很明显,动图的导入不支持拖拽操作,只能使用窗口左上角的“Add”按钮,播放动图的时候只弹出当前动图的窗口,无法用方向键快速切换到下一张动图。
其实,在我们日常使用的过程中还是手机端的操作频率比较高,你会经常将 GIF 动图分享到 Twitter、Slack、iMessage 等应用程序上,所以 Atsumeru 在这方面帮了我的大忙,通过 iCloud Sync,你可以在 iOS 端管理同步过来的动图,使用方法和 Mac 端基本一致。
Collect, organise and share your animated GIFs, reaction images, favourite comic strips or whatever type of image you like to keep in an organized way.
Build up your image collection by simply dropping images into Atsumeru.
Importing and gathering a lot of images is nice, but it is also easy to drown once they become too many. Atsumeru helps you to properly organise them for quicker access: Rename and tag your images! Have favourites! Tags are directly browsable from Atsumeru's main screen. Both tags and image names can be conveniently searched for.
A great collection of reaction images and animated GIFs is worth only half without the ability to share them with friends. Drag and drop them out of Atsumeru into whatever other App you want. Email, iMessage, Slack, Twitter. You name it. Enhance your conversations and spice up discussions. Or simply view your collection at your Mac.
- PC版
ImageGlass(图像浏览工具) v7.5.3.26多语言版本