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Folx Go+ for Mac

  • 软件介绍

Folx for mac是一款Mac上经典的下载工具,软件功能强大,操作简单,功能和国内的迅雷差不多,新版本的Folx整体界面非常的简洁和漂亮,具有非常好用的分类管理功能,支持高速下载、定时下载、速度控制、iTunes集成等功能。欢迎来9553免费的下载使用。

Folx Go+ for Mac



Folx 被很多用户誉为 Mac 平台上最好的下载软件之一。近来 Eltima Software 正式推出了 Folx Go+ 4.2 版本,新版本重新设计了用户界面,强大的人性化功能也有完好的继承。

Folx Go+ 4.2 是一个速度、智能、管理兼备的 Mac 下载利器,其中管理功能尤为出色。

Folx Go+ for Mac


Added: since OS X 10.9 Mavericks, Folx tags are integrated into Finder Tags

Added: now you can easily prioritize downloads by moving them up or down in the list

Added: Chinese and Portuguese localizations

Fixed: issue when scheduled tasks wouldn’t start on time

Fixed: crash at closing Preferences window while download is in process

Fixed: erroneous file deletion when one of its tags were deleted in “Edit task” window, in case the task had three or more tags

Folx Go+ for Mac

