- 软件介绍
Alfred mac这是一款被称之为Mac效率神器的App,有了Alfred mac你甚至无需鼠标就可以实现各种操作,包括出发各种文件、网络操作,其UI界面使用方便,而且不是通过命令来实现,是开发者们和键盘刘童鞋们的神器,比之此前类似的软件——Pack和Power来说完全是秒杀的节奏。
Version 2.8:
JavaScript is now available as a scripting language within Alfred Workflows (OS X 10.10 or later, using osascript)
Update hotkey scope internal notifications to work with new Alfred focus subsystem when focused app is set to Alfred
Improve reliability to the new focus setup in Alfred, falling back on being an active window in unable to take non-active key status
Add “compatibility” mode in Alfred’s Appearance options, useful if you use Alfred along side Java or with keyboard remappers
Remove email validation REGEX from Alfred’s General prefs sign-up form, as Campaign Monitor does validation on submission
Large Type view updated to use the OS X System font
Google search icons updated
Cleanmymac Mac版中文破解版 v3.9.1中文破解版
紫罗兰永恒花园壁纸高清无水印Mac版 v1.0
macOS High Sierra 10.13正式版 v10.13.1
ios11壁纸原生概念壁纸高清Mac版 v1.0
Autodesk AutoCAD for Mac v1.0
Parallels Desktop for Mac(虚拟机) v12破解版
VMware Fusion Pro 10 Mac破解版 v10.0.0
腾讯手游模拟器Mac版 v1.0
Paragon NTFS for Mac 15 破解版 v15.0.911
火影忍者博人传日向花火长大后高清壁纸Mac版 v1.0