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XMind Pro 7 for Mac

  • 软件介绍

XMind Pro 是Mac平台上的一款非常优秀的思维导图软件。软件功能强大,操作简单。XMind Pro 7 大版本更新,Mac最简单易用的思维导图软件,具有很多美观专业的模板,并且支持中文语言界面,新版本增加了大量强大方便的功能,如果你在找一款思维导图软件,推荐你使用XMind Pro !欢迎来9553免费的下载中文破解版。

XMind Pro 7 for Mac


XMIND Mac版是一款非常实用的商业思维导图(Mindmap)软件,应用全球最先进的Eclipse RCP 软件架构,全力打造易用、高效的可视化思维软件,强调软件的可扩展、跨平台、稳定性和性能,致力于使用先进的软件技术帮助用户真正意义上提高生产率。它的界面比同类型的 FreeMind要美观很多,绘制出的思维导图也更加漂亮,功能也更加丰富。加上它兼容FreeMind 和 MindManager数据格式,并且不仅可以绘制思维导图,还能绘制鱼骨图、二维图、树形图、逻辑图、组织结构图。

XMind Pro 7 for Mac


XMIND 在企业和教育领域都有很广泛的应用。在企业中它可以用来进行会议管理、项目管理、信息管理、计划和时间管理、企业决策分析等;在教育领域,它通常被用于教师备课、课程规划、头脑风暴等。


XMIND 被认为是一种是新一代演示软件的模式,传统的演示软件一般一种线性的方式来表达事物,XMIND 用于演示,为人们提供了一种结构化的演示模式,在XMIND中进行演示,它始终为用户提供纵向深入和横向扩展两个维度的选择,这样用户在进行演示的时候,可以根据听众和现场的反馈及时的调整演示的内容,对于听众感兴趣的话题,可以纵向深入进行讲解和挖掘,对于听众不太关心的问题可以快速的跳转到下一个话题。


XMIND 的文件可以导出成Microsoft Word、Microsoft powerpoint、PDF、图片(包括PNG、JPG、GIF、BMP 等)、RTF、TXT等格式,可以方便的将XMIND绘制的成果与朋友和同事共享。


Version 3.6.0:

New Features

A brand new UI

A new home panel

Huge improvements on Gantt chart

Information card



Export/Print outline

Multi-page print


New themes with 10 new fonts

Major Improvements

Share to Biggerplate.com

Inspector view

Add another Matrix (structure) which uses topics as columns.

Show/Edit task info (Start/End Date, Assignee, Priority and Progress) directly in Gantt chart.

Export Gantt chart to image/PDF.

Print Gantt chart.

Add “hide collapse/expand icon” option while printing/exporting to image/PDF/SVG.

Export the entire workbook to Excel.

Show all notes in Notes view.

Copy/Paste style.

New Window menu.

Only calculate work days for tasks.

Add a size hint while making a map shot.

New topic shapes: circle, parallelogram, cloud.

New boundary shapes: polygon and Rounded polygon.

Wallpaper patterns.

New designed color palette.

New color set for multi-branch colors.

Add Task Assignee option in Advanced Filter view.

Delete the same markers of the map.

Clear all the markers of a topic.

Add “Save As” option to Image/Attachment/Audio Notes.

URL/Email auto detection.

Support Microsoft Project 2010 file format for exporting.

Real previews in Theme view.

Many other minor improvements.

Fixed Bugs

Fix a bug that causes task info to export unsuccessfully while exporting to Excel.

Fix an issue that causes XMind to crash on Ubuntu while choosing Web Browser under Preferences.

Fix an issue that causes the exported SVG file to display abnormally.

Fix an issue that causes characters missing while printing map.

Fix an issue that causes boundary not to show normally while the boundary title text is too long.

Fix an issue that subtopics of floating topic can not be exported while exporting to Excel.

Fix a bug that after downloading a public map from XMind.net, the task dependencies of the map disappear.

Fix a bug that causes text to disappear while press Ctrl+I in Note view.

Fix an issue that causes exporting to Word not successfully.

Fix an issue that causes encryption not to work after force quiting XMind procedure.

Fix a bug that topic structure changes in drill down mode.

Fix an issue that image in notes disappears while importing a Mindmanager file.


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