- 软件介绍
CSV2Web 是一款能够将 CSV 文件数据转换为可以在网页上使用的数据格式的工具,这是一款好用的csv转换工具,支持包括 SQL, JSON, XML 以及 HTML。软件功能强大,操作简单,支持批量转换。在苹果商店免费下载该软件,不过看描述应该软件里还是有内购的,100 条以下的内容无需内购,大家要注意了。
CSV2Web Mac版的功能特色:
CSV2Web is a powerful tool for converting CSV data to Web standard data formats including SQL (for MYSQL), JSON, XML & HTML. CSV2Web is very easy to use, simply load your CSV file and choose what format to export. Have a CSV file that you wish to quickly drop into your website? no problem, with CSV2Web, you can quickly convert your data to styled HTML markup that you can instantly add to your webpage. CSV2Web has tools to allow you style your HTML markup without writing a single line of code, or you can convert your data to a MYSQL ready SQL file that you can easily import into your database. Besides that, you can also convert your data to JSON or XML formats.
Convert your CSV files to SQL(for MYSQL), XML, JSON or HTML
Easily download your converted data to your Mac
Easily Style your HTML markup using the UI tools provided without writing a line of code. Change font family, size, colors & row padding.
CSV2Web Instantly previews your data as soon as it’s loaded on the app.
Custom define your SQL table name and field data types
Auto detects column headers/Labels in the CSV data.
Automatically checks if the XML file generated is well formed and notifies the user accordingly.
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