- 软件介绍
USBclean for mac是一款在Mac平台上强大的U盘病毒查杀工具,软件功能强大,操作简单,USBclean可以帮助你快速方便地去除所有那些讨厌的垃圾文件,USBclean for mac也可以帮你将USB驱动器进行格式化,你可以轻松从系统菜单栏上启动USBclean并直接运行。在苹果商店可以下载这个软件,当前售价6元。
3、同时USBCleaner能迅速对新出现的 U 盘病毒进行处理。
Quickly and easily remove all those pesky junk and ghost files from your external USB drives.
.DS_Store, Thumbs.db, .Spotlight, and trashes files take up precious space, and can cause issues on some devices.
Remove them all quickly and easily with USBclean.
Configure USBclean the way you want!
Remove files by dragging your drive into the handy drop zone, from the system menubar, or by dropping straight onto the dock icon.
You can easily configure USBclean to run only from the system menubar and open at login. It's a snap to auto quit after dropping your drive onto the dock icon.
USBclean **always ejects your drive after cleaning for your convenience.
USBclean is useful for:
*cleaning annoying files which don't play on your media devices.
*removal of Mac only files (useful when sharing USB drive with a friends PC).
*removal of Windows only files which take up useful space
- PC版
隐蜂挖矿病毒专杀工具(sysfixkill mellifera) v1806051 免费版
版本:v1806051 免费版