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Rest Mac版

  • 软件介绍

Rest for Mac是一款非常人性化的苹果电脑工具,这是一款好用的定时休息软件,可以进行系统定时提醒。软件功能强大,操作简单。它可以帮助提醒长时间使用电脑的用户稍事休息,保护电脑使用者的眼睛,防止用眼过度。通过Rest这款软件,我们可以设定每天固定的休息时间范围,像是每天下午1~5点时,每使用半个小时电脑就要休息5分钟,在休息时间时,电脑会自动进入休息萤幕,这样就能强迫我们自己休息!

Rest Mac版

Rest for Mac 能够让你知道自己什么之后该休息了。软件支持番茄时钟,可以让你知道当前自己的进度以及休息时间。当到达休息时间时,会进入全屏倒数状态,当然也支持暂停设置,不过可不要忘了要回来哦。

Rest Mac版


→ "Now it is a great app. Keeping its simplicity, this version solves small flaws and now is perfect. Plus the images are superb." ~ amoyag

→ "Simple but flexible and does the job just right" ~ n4al

→ "Now it's great!" ~ hkyplayr10

Make yourself more rested AND more productive.

Rest is a minimal OS X app that sits in your menubar and reminds you to take a break every now and then. Improve your productivity and keep your eyes healthy.

• Pomodoro support. With custom intervals and an optional longer 4th break, you can now use the Pomodoro time management technique with Rest.

• An unobtrusive, beautiful menubar indicator.

• An advance notice countdown so you can wrap up work before you head for your break. (optional)

• Beautiful, full-screen break reminders (optional).

• Rest.app can now suggest exercise ideas for you. Just find the option in the preferences window.

• Pause for a set period of time. Never forget to activate Rest again after watching a movie.

• Make sure you take your breaks. Just tell Rest to prevent you from working during breaks and you'll have to step away from the computer until your break is over. Warning: Apart from restarting your computer, there will be no way to continue working. All your apps will continue to run as normal in the background.

• 13 soothing sounds to pick from - from a decisive gong to a beautiful piano melody.

• Automatic break detection (optional) - step away from your computer to "take your break", even if it's earlier or later than planned. Rest adjusts automatically.

* Note: images available with the full-screen break notifications vary from system to system. The break exercises shown do not constitute medical advice.


Rest for Mac 拥有以下软件功能:



Rest Mac版








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