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MovieWriterPro Mac版

  • 软件介绍

MovieWriterPro Mac版是一款Mac OS平台上专业的电影剧本创作工具,软件功能强大,操作简单,这是一款专业的写作工具,MovieWriterPro Mac版可帮你快速创建影片的播放脚本(s cript)。内含强大的脚本建构引擎,可让你随时任意地替换影片的播放脚本,包括:文本、时间类型、放置的位置等等。在苹果商店可以下载这个软件,售价29.99美元。

MovieWriterPro Mac版


MovieWriterPro was designed to increase script writing speed without taking care of script formatting.
With its powerful rendering engine, MovieWriterPro is able to change scripting style with one click. You can now give the producers the script they want in the format they want.
MovieWriterPro also speeds up the writing of characters and places. It assists the user in avoiding mistakes and can replace any name or location everywhere in the script without any effort.
If you think your simple text editor is enough, try MovieWriterPro once. After a short time, you'll see everything this software can offer you. With more time and increased motivation, you only have to focus on your story and can let your imagination run wild!


MovieWriterPro Mac版利用其强大的渲染引擎,MovieWriterPro 可以在单击中完成剧本风格转化。现在,您尽可以按照制作人想要的格式完成剧本。MovieWriterPro也能提升创作角色与场景的速度。它帮您避免错误,并能在整部剧本中替换任何名字、地点,不费吹灰之力。

MovieWriterPro Mac版


